Over 600 registered jammers!

While there’s still a few days time to register, we have now reached over 600 registered jammers!

The registration is open until Monday, 20th of January 16:00. Some sites are full or getting full any minute, so the sooner you sign up, the better chance to get in!

Registration closes on Monday the 20th at 4PM

There is still time to sign up to FGJ 2014, but that time is soon coming to an end. Make sure you sign up before 20th of January 16:00, that is when the registration form will be closed. The sooner the better; some sites are already full or almost full.

Over 300 registered!

Even though the registration has been open only for a couple of days, there’s now already over 300 registered! If you are still considering, better act quickly!Some sites have been quite popular, and FGJ Helsinki got full in record-speed! You can still register there as well to get in queue and hopefully still get in. As usual, first come, first served, so register now!

Registration will be opened on 3rd of December – Are you ready?

Global Game Jam is coming to Finland on 24-26 January 2014. We will open our registration in just a couple of days: on Tuesday 3rd of December. All locations have limited participant number – be prepared to register early if you want to be a part of this gigantic jam event in Finland. We have 13 locations currently being processed for you to choose. Registration link will be here. We are so excited and hope to see many of the familiar faces as well as all the new stars!

Global Game Jam 2014 – Call for game jam locations

Global Game Jam 2014 welcomes all new and old locations all around the globe to register as a game jam site for the upcoming January event. If you are interested to run Global Game Jam in your own city, go to http://globalgamejam.org/ and apply!

A tip for old locations: DON’T LOGIN yet, just click the “Start a new jam site”.
A tip for all Finnish sites: Finnish Game Jam site location should be named as “FGJ yoursite”.

Finnish Game Jam sites work under Finnish Game Jam ry. If you have a brand new location for the next GGJ and are not yet part of the co-operation, contact our president and coordinator Annakaisa Kultima (aakoo[a]finnishgamejam.fi) to gain help and instruction for the organizing process.

Alright to play with your health?

A word from our dear Gold Sponsor for Finnish Game Jam 2014:

Games and gamification have already been identified as key components of the Finnish digital economy. But despite becoming one of the world’s leading developers of entertainment-only games, we Finns have not yet been as successful within the health and wellness games sector.

The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra would like to change this. In 2013, we launched the Gesundheit 2013 competition to find ideas for fun and realisable games or apps that would get people hooked on healthy lifestyles. We were pleased to receive 137 of them.sitra-strippi_webQuite early on in the competition, we realised that while there is great potential in health games, there is not much information about the market. Thus we commissioned Neogames ry to study the barriers of entry to this exciting and emerging market, to enable Finnish companies to become the Facebooks and Googles of health and well-being games

Sitra’s activities promote and stimulate new business models that aim for sustainable well-being. We will remain active in the field of gamification and well-being, and are proud to kick-off the year 2014 by being a sponsor to the Finnish Game Jam.


Getting Ready for GGJ 2014!

Global Game Jam 2014 is on January 24-26, and Finland is once again participating with multiple locations.

The registration will be opened on 3rd of December 2013. While you’re waiting, read some info and check out some earlier games!

If you are interested on sponsoring the event, contact tatu[a]finnishgamejam.fi.

7 months to go!

Finnish Game Jam 2014 might still feel like the distant future, but the organizing has already been started! A handful of eager volunteers gathered for the whole weekend to create plans, ideate new ideas, write documentation, make graphics and all that stuff that needs to be done to organize the game dev highlight of the year. Global Game Jam 2014 will be on 24th to 26th of January. We are already super excited!