
QUANTRONICS The forthcoming technological advancements in quantum computing will most likely bring a new way of utilizing cryptographic methods in the quantum world.Thus we have created a obstacle avoidance simulation in a quantum cryptographic environment. Where you as a player play the most important role of an quantum particle delivering a super secret message sent by a random dude. Your mission is to escape the lurking NSA as long as possible. Game was made in QuantumGameJam2015 at Heureka ScienceCenter during 18-20.9.2015.

Sampsa Kuha – Game Design, Effects Specialist Lauri Rustanius – Coding // twitter.com/lingoded Sakari Parkkonen – Coder assistant Kalle Sievänen – Graphics, Design Sampo Riikkilä – Music, Sound Effects Jukka Asiala – Graphics Sanni Selkama – Graphics

Heureka - Quantronics

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