
Official #FGJX press releases:
17.12.2017: Global Game Jam juhlistaa kymmenettä jamivuottaan – Suomessakin jammaillaan mukana jo yhdeksättä kertaa (Finnish)

General media inquiries, please contact:
Annakaisa Kultima, Finnish Game Jam/Global Game Jam
050 443 7258

#FGJX is organized by several people, organizations and companies around Finland. If you want to make a story of a specific jam location, contact the location organizer. All official location contact info can be found at:

#FGJX banner

Finnish Game Jam ry logo

Photos from the previous game jams can be used if the photographer and the jam location is mentioned (contact if you want to use a photo that does not have photographer credits mentioned).

For instance, this photo was taken by Mikko Karsisto at Global Game Jam 2016 Survival Mode jam location:

Official #FGJX teaser video:

More videos: All video materials can be linked and embedded to your stories. Note that the channel covers also other Finnish game jams.