
Finnish Game Jam
Our main event, Finnish Game Jam, is part of the Global Game Jam event always taking in place at the end of January – all over the globe. It is a 48h game development challenge where people all over the world make games from scratch in one weekend. Upcoming FGJ events are available at Eventbrite.

Finnish Game Jam 2024
Finnish Game Jam 2023
Finnish Game Jam 2022
Finnish Game Jam 2021
Finnish Game Jam 2020
Finnish Game Jam 2019
Finnish Game Jam X
Finnish Game Jam 2017
Finnish Game Jam 2016
Finnish Game Jam 2015
Finnish Game Jam 2014
Finnish Game Jam 2013
Finnish Game Jam 2012
Finnish Game Jam 2011
Finnish Game Jam 2010

Edu Game Jam
Edu Game Jam is a series of game jams on educational content and contexts. The initiative is run together with the research project Growing Mind and the first jam was organized as a small showcase jam at Finnish educational technology conference, ITK in 2018.
Edu Game Jam

Sami Game Jam
Sami Game Jam is a five-day game development event where experienced game developers and people with Sami background come together in Utsjoki, Finland creating games on Sami culture and phenomena. The games created at the jam will be showcased after the event and placed available for play for the public.
Sami Game Jam

ASM Game Jam
ASM FGJ is part of the Assembly Summer event. Our first ASM FGJ was organized during Assembly Summer 2013.
ASM Game Jam 2023
ASM Game Jam 2022
ASM Game Jam 2020 – Online
ASM Game Jam 2019
ASM Game Jam 2018
ASM Game Jam 2017
ASM Game Jam 2016

Quantum Game Jam
In Quantum Game Jam game developers and quantum physicists gather together in a quest for solving scientific problems in quantum physics through games and gameplay. Starting from 2015, the Quantum Game Jam is a global event. From 2021 onwards the event has been organized by Laura Piispanen, Daria Anttila & Natasha Skult (
Quantum Game Jam 2023
Quantum Game Jam 2022
Online Quantum Jam 2021
Quantum Wheel 2019
Quantum Game Jam 2016
Quantum Game Jam 2015
Quantum Game Jam 2014

JamBike is a game jam on a tandem bike. It is a journey of two where the goal is to create a game on the run with the electricity created while cycled. It is a duo experience: the other one steers, while the other one codes.
JamBike 2017

Junior Game Jam
Junior Game Jam is a game jam event where 13-17 year old game makers create games together in small groups during one weekend.
Junior Game Jam 2013

Gadget Jam
Gadget Jam is a development event dedicated entirely to all kinds of electronic devices. During the weekend the participants will divide into teams and race against time to create a working application for a gadget of their own choosing.
Gadget Jam 2014

Neuro Jam
Neuro Jam is a game jam for playing with knowledge of neuroscience and devices that transfer neural activity to gameplay. Participants will team up to create an application in 48 hours.
Neuro Jam 2015

Mediapolis Game Jam
Mediapolis Game Jam uses professional equipment designed for movie production to create games.
Mediapolis Game Jam 2015

Pocket Jam @ Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki
30 h game jam in collaboration with Pocket Gamer at the heart of an international mobile game conference in Helsinki.
Pocket Jam #7
Pocket Jam #6
Pocket Jam #5
Pocket Jam #4
Pocket Jam #3
Pocket Jam #2
Pocket Jam #1

Pikku Kakkonen Game Jam
Pikku Kakkonen Game Jam is a game jam event organised in association with Finland’s national broadcasting company Yle. During a weekend jammers develop games for children, and children’s drawings are used as the main inspiration. Jam takes place on the set of beloved children’s TV show Pikku Kakkonen.
Pikku Kakkonen Game Jam

Museo Game Jam
Museo Game Jam is 2-day game jam that unites game developers and museum experts to create games together utilizing the archives of the Finnish Museum of Games. Organized in collaboration with the Finnish Museum of Games and Stories to Games project.
Museo Game Jam

Jam Jam
An annual game jam organizer meeting – jamming the jams.
Jam Jam 2024
Jam Jam 2023
Jam Jam 2022
Jam Jam 2019
Jam Jam 2018
Jam Jam 2017
Jam Jam 2016

Finnish Game Jam Awards
An award show celebrating the Finnish game jamming scene.
Finnish Game Jam 10th Anniversary + awards
Finnish Game Jam Awards 2022
Finnish Game Jam Awards 2021
Finnish Game Jam Awards 2020
Finnish Game Jam Awards 2019
Finnish Game Jam Awards 2018
Finnish Game Jam Awards 2017
Finnish Game Jam Awards 2016
Finnish Game Jam Awards 2015

Pride Game Jam
Pride Game Jam is a game jam that celebrates LGBTQ+ people by creating a safe space for expressing one’s gender, sexual and romantic experience through art, music and of course games!
Pride Game Jam HKI 2023
Pride Game Jam HKI 2022
Pride Game Jam HKI 2021
Pride Game Jam #1 (HKI 2020)

Crossing Latitudes Jam
A game jam with collaboration between Brazil & Finland.
Crossing Latitudes 2024
Crossing Latitudes 2023