Finnish Game Jam is coming on 24-26 January 2025!


Finnish Game Jam 2025, or #FGJ25, will be traditionally held as a part of Global Game Jam during the last weekend of January (24th – 26th of January, 2025).

Global Game Jam is the world’s largest game jam event, occurring simultaneously in multiple locations around the world. Finnish Game Jam in it’s turn unites all Global Game Jam sites from Finland under one umbrella. In 2024, the Finnish region of the Global Game Jam alone gathered more sites and participants than all other Nordic countries combined! Finland ranks #1 globally in games created per capita during the Global Game Jam, showcasing the immense talent we foster.

Are you a sponsor?

If you are willing to sponsor Finnish Game Jam 2025 (or other upcoming jams), contact Eduardo Reyes.

Are you a jammer?

Participation requires registration through our Eventbrite page – each location has their own registration, and each location establishes weather it is an online, in-person, or hybrid site. For more information contact your local organizer.
List of currently approved sites (subject to updates):
FGJ Helsinki Arabia
FGJ Turku
FGJ Kuopio
FGJ Jakobstad
FGJ Vaasa
FGJ Porvoo
FGJ Next Games Helsinki Hybrid
FGJ Kajaani
FGJ Jyväskylä
FGJ Veikkaus Helsinki
FGJ Espoo Game LAB
FGJ Rovaniemi
FGJ Pelitalo Sture Hybrid
FGJ Riveria Online 
FGJ Oulu Hybrid
FGJ Kymenlaakso Hybrid
FGJ Tampere
FGJ Kauhajoki Hybrid

Consider to host a site?

Send your application at Global Game Jam site, and our Regional Organizer will contact you shortly with further instructions.

✔️ if you want #FGJ25 swag – application deadlline is January 8th
✔️ if you don’t want #FGJ25 swag – application deadline is January 13th
✔️ apply ASAP to avoid any issues or delays! Keep in mind that the upcoming holiday season will considerably slow the registration process down!

Our socials

To be updated on the latest news, follow our social media:

Facebook | LinkedIn | Youtube | Instagram | Discord

Buy official #FGJ25 T-shirt, hoodie, or tote bag: #FGJ25 merchandise

Still not sure if it is for you?

A game jam is a game making event that brings together all types of game developers (beginners, hobbyists, students, and professionals), and creators of various fields (art, music, 3D modelling, storytellering, and others) to innovate new games in a single weekend. Typically participants work in small teams, or not so often solo, racing to produce as complete a game as possible with limited time and resources, but unlimited creativity. Join Finnish Game Jam 2025 with friends, join an ad hoc team, or do it solo,

Finnish Game Jam 2023

#FGJ23 is a 48-hour-long game development event organized as a part of the Global Game Jam. In 2023, FGJ#23 and the Global Game Jam are organized between the 3rd and the 5th of February. With various different #FGJ23 online locations, Finland is celebrating the 14th Global Game Jam in 2023! We will soon update this page with more information on #FGJ23. To hear the latest updates, follow this page and our other channels:


How to join?

Participation requires registration through our Eventbrite page – each location has its own registration. All of the sites are different, contact your local organizer if you need more info.

What is a game jam?

A game jam brings together all types of game developers, amateurs, professionals, and students to innovate new games in a single weekend or a similarly short time span. Typically participants work in small teams, racing to produce as complete a game as possible with limited time and resources, but unlimited creativity.

What is a Global Game Jam?

Global Game Jam (GGJ) is the world’s largest game jam event taking place worldwide every January. In 2017, jammers in 700 locations in 95 countries created over 7000 games.

What is Finnish Game Jam and #FGJ23?

Finnish Game Jam ry (FGJ) is a registered association founded to organize game jam events in Finland. Our main event is an annual game development event and a part of the worldwide Global Game Jam (GGJ). This year’s event is called #FGJ23, and comprises several game jam locations organized all around Finland. In #FGJ17, we had 22 locations, 888 jammers and 222 games created in one weekend!

Thank you FGJ22 Sponsors

Hello this is Chris Castro, the treasurer and sponsor lead in Finnish Game Jam. I want to personally thank the continual support of Skunkworks as our Gold Sponsor. Thank you Supercell for becoming our Silver Sponsor. Many thanks to Lightneer joining as our Bronze Sponsor. The FGJ22 became a success because of your support.

Chris Castro, FGJ Treasurer & Sponsor Lead

Greetings from Tampere Site

In Finnish Game Jam 2022, Tampere is one of the biggest sites! They’ve managed to gather 74 participants online. Tampere Site Organizer Pekka Nordlund, how’s it going so far?

“Warmest greetings from Tampere! We started this year with two ice-breaker evenings, filling the pre-jam anticipation with some good old laughter over online gaming.

Our site is nice and busy with jammers joining us all the way over from Oulu and Rovaniemi, and with us being online, we’ve even heard a game pitch live from a grocery store! Today we organizers will be hosting a pizza draw to follow the Tampere pizza tradition with the help of our local sponsors (Tampere Game Hub and 10tons Entertainment) so it’s safe to say that games will be made!”

Pekka Nordlund, Tampere Site Organizer

The biggest jam of the year is getting closer!

#FGJ21 will happen January 29-31st 2021, as a part of Global Game Jam. If you want to organise your own site now its the time to register.

As you may have noticed, we are having a little unconventional year, which understandably also affects jamming, and the next GGJ/ # FGJ21 jam. Therefore, we have unsurprisingly made the decision to host the next event fully online. 

Head out now to to register a site for your City, School or Company.
To name your site use the following formula:

“FGJ” + “City/School/Company/Organisation/Institution.” + “Online”

(Example: FGJ Lahti Online). 

Organising a fully online jam might be a first for most of us, so feel free to send us a message in case you have any questions! 

Check out the Eventbrite to see already established sites!

#FGJ20 Report

Another FGJ has been completed! Thank you everyone for participated no matter what role!

Every year despite limited time, we are amazed what you jammers can do. This year in Finland we had 32 sites, more than 700 jammers who developed 238 games.

You can find all the games developed in Finland on the Global Game Jam page:

This year, GGJ had over 48,700 jammers attending 934 jam sites across the world in 118 countries, all coming together became the biggest jam ever! Once again GGJ has broken all of last year’s records and become the newly-crowned Biggest Game Jam Ever! 

GGJ had 9 new countries take part for the first time ever: Albania, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cyprus, Mauritius, Senegal, Sudan and Zimbabwe, adding 213 jammers and 35 new games to the mix. One of GGJ’s biggest aims is to be able to bring new emerging voices and talent into the game making space, and welcome these new site organisers and jammers to our big jam family.

The global theme for GGJ20 was repair and jammers incorporated this theme as a concept in their games in different ways: various states of repair, breaking and repairing buildings and pots, repairing relationships, and plants repairing themselves. 

In Finland we were lucky to have amazing national and local sponsors this year as well. We want to extend a big thank you to all sponsors one more time, we could have made #FGJ20 this awesome without them.

#FGJ20 wouldn’t be possible without Futureplay Games as our national GOLD Sponsor for the event! A huge thanks to this inspiring company!

Thank you again everyone who attended or followed the action through our streams and social media, it was crazy but amazing weekend!  Follow our FacebookTwitter and Instagram and see you all at the next jam!


#FGJ20 has just started, and it wouldn’t be possible without Futureplay Games as our national GOLD Sponsor for the event! A huge thanks to this inspiring company with no-nonsense approach to the industry!

Follow #FGJ20 LIVE and remember to post your awesome jamming pictures to discord!

Also you can find out more what Futureplay does at

Follow our FacebookTwitter and Instagram for more news!

Finnish Game Jam 2020

The main event of the year is getting closer! Finnish Game Jam 2020 (#FGJ20) is arranged from January 31st to February 2nd, 2020 as a part of Global Game Jam.

It is again time to get jamming with the rest of the planet. Global Game Jam 2020 will be held throughout the entire world at the same time. Naturally, Finland will participate, now for the 11th time!

All sites are listed on our official Finnish Game Jam 2020 website.

Hurry up and register in chosen location in Finland at FGJ20 eventbrite.

If your area is missing a site here is your chance to organize one yourself! Site applications can be made through Global Game Jam’s website. Site application is open until January 12th, but we recommend you act fast to be able to prepare for the jam. If you have questions about organizing a site or need help feel free to contact us.

IMPORTANT! Registration is open until January 23rd 11:59 PM.

Follow our FacebookTwitter and Instagram for more news and latest updates!

#FGJ19 Report

Another FGJ wrapped up, thank you everyone!

Global Game Jam weekend has come and gone and we are one jam experience richer. 48 hours is a short time to develop a game from scratch, and every year we are amazed at what the jammers are able to do within such a limited timeframe!

This year in Finland we had a total of 884 jammers who developed 218 games. You can find all the games on the Global Game Jam page:

On a global scale there were in total 47 000 jammers who made 9000 games at 860 sites in 113 countries, which makes this Global Game Jam the biggest game jam ever held! 10 new countries joined the fun, as sites were set up in Azerbaijan, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Myanmar, Namibia, and Rwanda.

The global theme for GGJ19 was “what home means to you”, and jammers incorporated it in their games in countless different ways: there was homesickness, homelessness and house parties, to name a few.

We were lucky to have amazing national and local sponsors this year as well. We want to extend a big thank you to all sponsors one more time, we couldn’t have made #FGJ19 this awesome without them

The national gold sponsor was Supercell.

The national silver sponsor was Veikkaus Game Studio.

Thank you again everyone who attended or followed the action through our streams and social media, it was a blast of a weekend!

See you at the next jam!